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Advice on entering 'Digital Projected Image Competitions'


Media to be used for submissions

Image files (up to three per competition) can be sent to the competition secretary preferably by WeTransfer, or alternatively by email. Files must only be JPG, and not Tiff, Raw or PSD.

Naming the image files


The image files MUST be re-named by you to the following format:-“Title_xxx”, where xxx is your member number. Your computer will add the correct file suffix (.jpg). Your member number (issued with your printed programme) is 3 sets of 3 digits. This allows you to have different numbers on each image in a competition, without the judge knowing that the author has entered more than one image. Here is an example of an image named ready for a competition : Old stone bridge at sunrise_789.jpg  


Size of Images and Files

Images must be sized to no larger than 1600 pixels horizontally by 1200 pixels vertically. Images smaller than this will be projected with a black background to fill the screen. Your images remain with the club for a determined period at full resolution, and if selected may be used in battles against other clubs.  If you would like help with re-sizing your images, either generally for printing or for competitions please e-mail the webmaster on this site or ask a member in the club - if you like the style of some of our competition winners, I'm sure they would help you too.


Colour rendition, a note for experts


Most consumer cameras use “sRGB” colour space, but some photographers prefer the larger range of colours offered by Adobe RGB and their workflow may use this colour space. Be aware that an image in Adobe RGB colour space may have incorrect colour rendition when viewed on the computer used by the Judge. It is best to submit competition images in sRGB. It would make this website more interesting if more images were 'given' to the site. Since internet browsers only display at 72 pixels/inch, an image of maximum 800 pixels high or wide would be welcome. As webmaster, I do not have access to competition images and rely on members' donations!



All photographs on this website are the copyright of the credited photographer.

None of these images may be replicated by any means and for any purpose without written permission from the photographer. Please contact the club for details.

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